Friday, September 14, 2012

Fort Worth on Film

Finally got the prints done for my next series. The idea is simple. Photograph outdoor seating at restaurants, coffee shops, and diners. I don't really know what it is about the absence of people in these images that draws me to them time and time again. It has such a quiet feeling, like the calm before the storm. At some point, each of these seats will be filled with hungry patrons.

As for my experience with film, I still like it a lot. The Canon AE-1 is a great little camera and with the 50mm 1.8 on the front, the images are remarkable. I used Fuji 200 speed film for these shots. My next series will be Ektar 100 speed film. I have heard great things about that film and can't wait to shoot it and get it processed.

There are so many things to think about when shooting with film. It really constrains you and forces you to think about things a little harder. The AE-1 also does not have auto-focus and its Av mode is not really helpful. The light meter works pretty well. I know with film, I have some leeway on how dark and light I can go and still get a great looking image.

So, enjoy the images, leave a comment, and let me know what you would like me to shoot next.

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